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Someone was kind enough to direct this to me! It's another example of many that Yes, It Can Be Done!

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Someone was kind enough to direct this to me! It's another example of many that Yes, It Can Be Done!
Our example is another Simpsons picture, that comes from the comic "Wall or Nothing", which is something of an earlier version of "A Tale of Two Springfields," only with a lot less Homer acting like a jerk. The important thing is that everyone gets covered in mud, and washes it off by skinny dipping, and in the background, you can see Homer, Marge, and Lisa.
This one got by with little to no problems. It didn't take a squabble to get it done. It didn't have to excessively hide Lisa like they did a few issues earlier. Any time this kind of thing happens to Lisa is impressive because cowardice usually takes hold, and that it didn't this time is wonderful. I mean, it happened to everyone, so we shouldn't be discriminating, right? Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale

This came as a surprise to me, since it was directed to me by a friend. Time for some Mature Musings!

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This came as a surprise to me, since it was directed to me by a friend. Time for some Mature Musings!
This one comes from The Amazing World of Gumball, specifically the episode "The Rerun". The context is that the Watterson parents got turned into babies by the effects of the weirdness of the day. When time was reset, there's a brief frame of the parents in their underwear... only with Nicole missing something up top.
It amazes me that this got in on current era Cartoon Network. This is usually the kind of gag you'd see in adult cartoons, and yet it's done in a show for children. This is very good; it shows that things are getting into a position where this kind of gag can happen with females, too, which is all too fine by me.

Reposted from arcroyale

It's funny. I don't like talking about the new series of The Powerpuff Girls....

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It's funny. I don't like talking about the new series of The Powerpuff Girls. I feel like it should best be ignored and forgotten. But then it went and pushed my personal button. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a world where everyone says "No Girls Allowed!"
In case you've been living under a rock, and please tell me where I can find it so we can be roommates, the PPG reboot seems to attract controversy like a supermagnet. And what makes it all the worse is its seeming double standards despite it being a "feminist" story, when it doesn't even fall into the modern definition of feminism.
After all, Ms. Bellum was removed because the producers thought she didn't "mesh well with the image they were trying to create". This, combined with the flattening of Miss Keane's chest tells me that the producers didn't see Bellum for her brain, that which makes part of her name, how she runs Townsville basically on her own, how she's a positive role model for the Girls. They only saw her for her body, exactly the kind of sexism women face on a daily basis for being seen not for their skills, but their bodies. Or maybe they just didn't like seeing a woman be strong, since the primary focus is given to the masculine Powerpuff Girl, and plenty of time the strong superheroes need to be saved by a man. Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale

I ought to be thankful; I only need to dedicate one show to PPG, and thankful...

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I ought to be thankful; I only need to dedicate one show to PPG, and thankfully it doesn't have to be this week's show. So I just get to post as many PPGs in the bath as I want. This one is rather fun, showing that baths for a trio of superpowered girls can be stressful. One doesn't even want to be there, so you gotta make sure she doesn't try and bail out! And poor Bubbles, just watching the commotion like a deer in headlights. All she wanted was to have some fun in the tub!

Reposted from arcroyale

As we do nowadays, it's time to put some art forward and ask the question of What Would It Look Like?

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As we do nowadays, it's time to put some art forward and ask the question of What Would It Look Like?
I know Numbuh 3 had her time in the show, but later episodes ended up showing more of certain characters, most notably Numbuh 1. So I requested another pic of her for a later project of mine. Incidentally, this is the first time I asked for a pic from someone of a KND character! Good to feature lesser-known stuff.

Reposted from arcroyale

Ah, it's been so long. I enjoy doing these and am genuinely saddened when I can't. Well, now we're back for some fun!

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Ah, it's been so long. I enjoy doing these and am genuinely saddened when I can't. Well, now we're back for some fun!
This pic is a great one because it's got some nice elements to it. The Abra pulling a prank on the girl, the subsequent cover-up using the same Abra, the look on the girl's face... it all adds up to a genuinely cute picture!

Reposted from arcroyale

Because I only just found out the website is running again, we're doing Monda...

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Because I only just found out the website is running again, we're doing Monday's show on Tuesday morning. For those who weren't there last time, on Monday we take a scene of female nudity and switch things around to feature a female character instead. We call this... well, we don't call it anything.
Believe it or not, our first picture breaks all the rules we established earlier! That's because this picture is based on a time two adults lost their clothing; it's the Simpsons episode "Natural Born Kissers." The situation was that due to a mishap involving public sex and a golf course, Homer and Marge lost their clothes and had to run back home while completely naked. So for this picture, the target of the naked escape is Bart and Lisa, under the assumption they lost their clothes some other way; these are kids after all. Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale

Half of my examples come from anime, while the other half come from cartoons....

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Half of my examples come from anime, while the other half come from cartoons. This is an example of a cartoon picture. We alternate between the two every day.
This one is just so brilliantly amusing. Aside from Billy being an idiot and Irwin being caught in a bad situation, we have Mandy over there being embarrassed. The pose is just perfect on this one, showing her covering her chest with her arms, and a great facial expression that showcases that things have gone wrong, and that she's not used to when they do. Also there's Grim over there even though he's a skeleton. You know, if Grim's eyes are censored, Mandy's arms are presumably hiding her bottom and Irwin's a dog, I don't think those censor bars are really needed. Well, maybe Billy's for humor. But then, if you're Japanese...

Reposted from arcroyale

Well, it's a good thing I get to start this blog again! I get to showcase one...

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Well, it's a good thing I get to start this blog again! I get to showcase one of my new toys! For those who don't know, every Tuesday I showcase just how unequal the standards of male and female nudity are, even when they're both put in the exact same situation. We call this show No Girls Allowed!
Our first example comes from the Cartoon Network show Dexter's Laboratory. Dexter's Lab was the first original television show produced by Cartoon Network that relied on its own characters instead of Hanna Barbera stock footage. That show, debuting in 1996, was a launchpad for the careers of many animators. It's probably the most important show in Cartoon Network's history, and has left a massive impact through the staff that worked on it.
That show was also very brave about nudity. One common gag was that the main character Dexter would be disrobed for humor's sake, and we'd often see his butt. The most prominent example of this is in the episode "Dexter's Rival" where we see his overjoyed morning routine, which includes him showering. It's very important because this was one of the few times it was used in children's entertainment; while Bart Simpson showed his butt numerous times, that was a strictly adult show. This was a kid's cartoon doing the exact same thing, which showcases how animators were really getting daring in the late 90's! Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale

Monday already? Gosh, things fly! Well, we're doing things a bit out of order, mainly for variety's sake. We'll get back to missing entries later.

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Monday already? Gosh, things fly! Well, we're doing things a bit out of order, mainly for variety's sake. We'll get back to missing entries later.
Remember how I said Dexter tended to get naked and show his butt to the audience? Well, that whole joke was the punchline behind the episode "Better Off Wet." In it, Dexter's family kept trying to get him into the pool (yes, there were some sexy Mom shots, the perverts), but he didn't want to for some reason. He finally got in the pool at the end, but as he lamented he didn't know why he was so shy, his swimsuit came off underwater and we were treated to a full shot of Dexter' butt.
The name of the game is role reversal, so here we are with a new victim! This time it's Dee Dee who loses her brand-new bikini in the water (hey, it happens to girls, too), and we get to see her all the way. When Xierra099 sent it to me, I knew this was great. Dexter's family's reactions keep it from being perverted, and Dexter sits at a bench on his own to keep the same thing from happening to him. Good stuff! Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale

I just got a few new pictures I'd like to try out, but before we do one of 'e...

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I just got a few new pictures I'd like to try out, but before we do one of 'em, I gotta talk about a specific show, and the reasons why once again a cowardly animator said No Girls Allowed!
Cartoon Network was goin' through some real troubles in 2004. They just changed their look to a brand new "city" look, and had to deal with a lot of new original shows. One of them was a show so outdated, it was outdated when it first premiered: Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi.
In this show meant to capitalize on the sudden popularity of the singers who did the Teen Titans theme, as well as cash in on the Japanese Invasion they helped start, Cartoon Network made a show about fictionalized versions of two famous pop singers, Puffy AmiYumi, the duo being Ami Onuki and Yumi Yoshimura. And I'd suspect the guys behind the show thought their cartoon counterparts that bore little resemblance to their real-life selves were sexy, since they kept shoving them into a bunch of sexy costumes and having them hug and share long, loving looks at each other. These guys were so perverted, the real Ami and Yumi famously asked "Why are you making us gay?", which they responded to with a storyboard of the cartoon versions making out. All this and more while the girls are implied to be teen idols, too! (surely the real Ami and Yumi were of age) Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale

Sorry for the lateness. I was busy reorganizing my folder. That meant it was kinda hard to find the pic for today. I have it now, though.

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Sorry for the lateness. I was busy reorganizing my folder. That meant it was kinda hard to find the pic for today. I have it now, though.
It's very hard to do a bath pic that's more artful than perverted, especially an anime one. This one seems to do the job, though. The angle is alluring in an artful way, and the pose and expression is nice and inviting. The steam keeps us from intruding on her privacy, but is in just a way to give us enough of a view to allow us to appreciate her. This one honestly feels more like a way of appreciating the female form than of simply ogling her.

Reposted from arcroyale

I'm back. Some time has passed. I know I usually do this on Monday, but hear me out.

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I'm back. Some time has passed. I know I usually do this on Monday, but hear me out.
One common way cartoons denigrate men while putting women on a pedestal is in using their nudity for humorous purposes. Even if a female is being sexualized, they're still considered attractive by the camera. Thus, it's more akin to a photo shoot; while the most common thing that happens to men is more like pantsing.
One need only look at Dexter's Laboratory in order to see what this kind of thing looks like. Dexter, the main young boy character, frequently ended up losing his clothing, to the point that a whole episode, "Streaky Clean", focused on his nudity in a, quite frankly, humiliating situation. His attempts to clean his clothes automatically resulted in him burning them off, and he had to return home totally nude. Read More »

Reposted from arcroyale